50 Simple Steps for Cultivating Self-Love

Photograph by Víctor GuillénOne thing I’ve learned from starting my Adventures in Self-Love series is that we all understand that self-love is an important concept in an abstract sort of way. We know we should love ourselves, but where do we begin? There’s no manual on how to start loving yourself, so how do we pluck this idea out of the ether and put it into play in our real lives?

You need to commit to your relationship with yourself. Nurture it the way you would a relationship with a lover.

These are 50 actions you can take to start cultivating self-love. They’re simple. They’re concrete. They’re totally doable.

You don’t need to do them all at once. Start with the ones that jump out at you and use them as building blocks as you begin learning to love your self.

heart Start a meditation practice.
heart Make a habit of eating a healthy breakfast (I love green smoothies, but perhaps you prefer fruit salad or a big bowl of oatmeal).
heart Purge your wardrobe of anything that doesn’t fit or make you feel fabulous.
heart Embrace saying “no.” Remember: ‘”no” is a complete sentence.
heart Unfollow any blogs or Twitter accounts that trigger comparisonitis and make you feel less than.
heart Only watch TV and movies that make you feel good.
heart Keep a list of inspiring quotes in your diary (or on your phone).
heart Write daily gratitude lists.
heart Wear a piece of jewellery or any totem that reminds you of your commitment to self-love.
heart Keep a journal.
heart Find a form of exercise that you love and start doing it regularly.
heart Get enough sleep.

Photograph by Víctor Guillénheart Stop hanging out with anyone who doesn’t lift you up.
heart Schedule in weekly pampering time.
heart Start your day with a dance party.
heart Let go of projects that are draining you and filling your heart with dread. This will make room for exciting new things.
heart Write a love letter to your body. Praise every crevice. Give thanks to every battle scar. Document each miraculous feat it performs for you day in and day out.
heart Take a photo of yourself every day.
heart Use positive affirmations.
heart Find a counsellor or psychologist to talk to.
heart Choose a personal anthem that pumps you up.
heart Join or create a weekly meetup group with like-minded people.
heart Map your desires.
heart Set goals. Review them regularly. Let go of those that aren’t lighting you up and plan action steps to attain the ones that make your heart sing.
heart Write down the things that you want to let go of and then burn the paper.
heart Buy yourself flowers.
heart Forgive anyone you’re holding a grudge against (if you aren’t sure how, try this meditation).
heart Make a list of simple self-care techniques and mood-boosting strategies for days when you’re feeling low.
heart Start working on the most niggly item on your to-do list. Make a habit of “eating that frog.”
heart When opportunity knocks, say yes. Even if it scares you.
heart Buy bright lipstick. Get a tattoo. Wear a motorcycle jacket. Find that little extra oomph that helps you feel like a badass.
heart Get really dressed up a few times a week.

Photograph by Víctor Guillénheart Start your day with a glass of warm lemon water.
heart Write morning pages.
heart Read You Can Heal Your Life.
heart Attend a workshop about an area of personal development that interests you.
heart Give genuine compliments daily. Praising someone takes us out of the mindset of comparing ourselves to them. And you’ll feel good when you see their face light up.
heart Ask for help when you’re struggling.
heart Say “I love myself” to yourself as many times a day as you can. Declare it out loud when you look in the mirror. Repeat it silently in your head while you sit at your desk and on your daily commute. Whisper it under your breath while you fall asleep. If you aren’t sure why this is powerful, read Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It.
heart Create your list of daily non-negotiables.
heart Get your finances in order. Make a budget. Open a savings account. Take an honest look at how much debt you’re in and make a plan to get out of it. If you don’t know where to start, read a book or take a course on personal finances.
heart Buy a vibrator and give yourself orgasms regularly – it will make you happier!
heart Cover your walls with pictures and words that inspire you.
heart Make a list of your beliefs and the things you know for sure.
heart Ask for what you want.
heart Write a list of characteristics you want to embody and brainstorm ways you can start cultivating them.
heart Start each day by setting an intention of how you want to feel.
heart Clean up your space and get organized.
heart Write down your commitment to loving yourself.

What simple step can you take towards loving yourself more fully today?


Photographs by Víctor Guillén.


  1. I really enjoyed these, Sarah! People forget that self-love can (and should!) be simple, and that the road to falling in love with yourself starts, like these things do, with a single, small step. :)

  2. I love this post more than words could say! This is just what I need right now and some of the ideas are things I wouldn’t have thought of. I’m going to bookmark this page if that’s alright! xxx

    • Thanks for commenting, Jemma. I’m so glad this post resonated with you enough to bookmark it. Have a lovely day! xx

  3. Yes, yes, yes! After last night’s supermoon, I needed an extra push to do my due diligence on self-love. What a fantastic summary! of jump off points.

  4. Sarah I’ve already told me this but I love your posts, you seem such a strong, positive and happy person and I really look to your blog posts for inspiration in bad times, I absolutely love all of these suggestions and I’ve certainly found a few of them really effective. I can’t wait to see the Ebook and it’s so wonderful seeing someone follow their dreams and do so incredibly well at it! You go girl :)

  5. Thank you for this wonderful list! I’m gonna practice it! :)

  6. This is such an amazing list! One thing I used to really struggle with was stopping hanging out with people who made me feel bad about myself. I used to feel like I was unable to find friends who I could truly connect with and if I wanted friends at all, I had to learn to accept these people. Now I only spend time with people who make me feel good, which is such a big deal.

    And two things I still struggle with are eating healthier and getting my finances in order. Sometimes an impulse buy or an eating binge can feel like a wonderful way to make myself feel better, but both are actually more harmful than good.

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips!

  7. What a great list! Even things like getting your finances in order and cleaning up your space are a way to show you love yourself – so easy to forget. Love your blog! x

    • It certainly is – they’re another side of loving and respecting ourselves that we so often forget. Thank you for your sweet comment! xo

  8. Wow! I’ve absolutely loved reading this, I’m even going to bookmark it so I can refer back :D
    Feeling very inspired, so thank you so much for sharing :D


    • Thanks, Kate! It’s one of my favourite posts I’ve ever written, so I’m glad it inspired you. Did any of them in particular strike a chord with you? xo


  1. […] And the fabulous Sarah from The Laughing Medusa wrote “5o Simple Steps for Cultivating Self-Love.” […]

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  3. […] you could do tomorrow (or right now!) to further your self-love journey? I gave you 50 ideas in this post, but I think the most important, simple, and effective thing you can do to calm your mind, align […]

  4. […] difficult to know where to begin. Try reading Adventures in Self-Love: Where do I begin? and 50 Simple Steps for Cultivating Self-Love if you need somewhere to start. And if there’s anything you’re struggling with, […]

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