The Birthday List: Learn a choreographed dance routine.

beyoncedanceclassYesterday was the International Day of Happiness (and International Macaron Day – who decides this stuff?!) and, while this post has nothing to do with macarons, I am writing about something that made me very happy recently:

Beyoncé dance class!!!

After taking a dance class for my birthday list last year, I knew I wanted to do it again and push myself even further out of my comfort zone. There’s something about a choreographed dance routine that’s so much more intimidating than partner dancing or something improvised. Especially when you’re trying to dance like Beyoncé, who epitomizes sexy, because I’m pretty self-conscious that my body does not move like that.

I signed up for the Crazy in Love dance class at Drink Shop Do with four of my book club ladies (who I now call my girl gang as we only ever read the one book). I didn’t watch the music video for the routine we were learning until the morning of the class, which had me thinking “Whose crazy idea was this?!” (Jayne’s!) and “Do anyone’s legs actually do that?”

I hadn’t predicted what a tough workout we’d be facing or that we’d be learning how to twerk (sort of, my butt did not want to cooperate), but we had so much fun. Our instructor Gemima was great about breaking down all of the steps and making sure we all had each one down before moving on. We were definitely the boisterous group of the bunch and the night was full of sidesplitting laughter and lots of sweaty attempts at the ‘Beyoncé shake’.

You can see a short video of our efforts here and while I don’t think my daydream of us breaking out into the routine when we’re all out at a club is likely to come true, I’m pretty sure there are more pop star lessons in our future.

To booty shaking & lots of giggles,


  1. I just watched the video. It looks like so much fun! Another thing off your list :)

  2. As a person with the dance skills of a drunken uncle I salute you for this! :)

  3. Watching the video makes me want to try to do this. Looks like fun!! I’ve tried to do a choreographed dance in school once and that was so tough haha.

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