This year I created a list of 25 things to do before my 26th birthday. It’s just a fun way to meet a few goals, try new things, and go on more adventures.
I don’t think I’ve posted anything about my birthday list, since I initially wrote it. I’ll do some mid-year updates on the year-long goals soon, but yesterday I officially crossed something off the list. I shot a gun. In fact I shot several: a Windham AR 15, a Remington 870, an M and P 9mm, a Beretta 92 FS, a Lee Enfield #4 Mark 1 (circa 1942), and a 38 Smith and Wesson Webley (circa 1930s).
I think this is the item that surprised my friends the most; I mean, I’m mostly a pacifist, I don’t condone violence, I argue vehemently for strict gun regulations, and I have absolutely zero interest in hunting. And yet this was an experience I absolutely wanted to have, partly before it scared me, partly because you should really understand something if you’re going to argue against it, and also because after watching hundreds of action movies throughout my life, I just wanted to know what it feels like.
And I have to admit, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it – a mix of sheer terror at the amount of power in my own hands and absolute exhilaration from feeling the gun kickback as you pull the trigger. It was a complete natural high.
A friend of mine from high school has his gun license and so he was able to take Jessi and I to the gun range where he’s a member to shoot in a controlled environment. And while I definitely don’t see myself becoming a ‘gun person,’ I’m really glad I chose to have the experience and get a little bit of insight into why someone would even want to be – it would be hard not to get hooked on that rush!
Have you ever shot a gun? Would you ever?
Awesome! I shot a few guns at a range, my friend took me for the day. I felt the same way, I could never hunt, seriously never, I can barely eat meat sometimes, and I’m a non-violent positive thinking, the-world-needs-more-love sort of chick, but shooting guns??? One of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had, thrilling! Like you said, a complete natural high. Glad you had a good time. x Tamara
I want to go to a shooting range!!! It looks like such a great stress reliever lol
I LOVE shooting!! one of the best experiences of my life was shooting an AK47 with my brother after he came back from service. c:
I remember the day you cried in one of our university classes at the horrors of war (Funny that even though you were always the idealist/pacifist and I was always the realist – we both collectively argued for greater gun control).
I am so proud of you for trying to understand the other end of the argument you have definitely inspired me to try it out for myself.
SO FUN!!! I have had several airsoft pistols, rifles and I want a sniper rifle so badly… I could forever have more. I haven’t ever shot a real gun, though, yet I want to.
My current dream is having a real Derringer.
It’s interesting to see the enthusiastic comments from young women about the thrill of firing a gun! I’ve never tried it, but I can understand how it would be a huge adrenaline rush. It probably won’t go on my birthday list though. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone and having a new experience.