Are you ready to make your dreams come true?
I help women boost their self-esteem, get clear on what they really want, and create a life they adore.
But this isn’t about sitting idly by, spritzing patchouli and wishing for good things to happen. I’ll help you get down and dirty, clear out the gunk that has been holding you back, and take radical responsibility for your life.
I believe that dreams are powerful. They light us up. They give us hope and comfort when we’re sad or uncertain. Dreams give us something to work towards. They make life sparkle. And dreaming makes us sparkle too.
But daydreaming gets a bad rep. It’s thought of as fanciful and wishy washy.
It’s true that nothing will work unless you do, but you can’t get there if you don’t know where you want to go. Daydreaming helps us figure out what we really want.
When you have a clear vision of what your ideal life looks like you can start making small tweaks to bring your days into closer alignment with your dreams. And you can set big, long-term goals that you’re excited to wake up every day and work towards. But it all starts with allowing yourself to dream.
I created the Define Your Dreams workbook for anyone who’s feeling lost or uncertain or uninspired. And it’s free when you sign up for my weekly love letters.
Through these worksheets you’ll…
- identify exactly what it is that lights you up
- articulate a clear vision of your ideal life – from the small daily actions to the bigger-than-life fantasies
- hone in on what dreams are in alignment with your values and who you want to be
- identify the steps you can take right now to start making your reality match your daydreams
And don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging…
Each week I’ll send you my top tips for falling in love with yourself and designing a life you adore. It’s my hope that these love letters be exactly what you need. Words of encouragement when you’re feeling stuck. A reminder of your greatness when you’re doubting yourself. Tips for living with flair when life feels dull. Strategies for defining your dreams and plotting a course for making them a reality when you’re feeling lost. Invocations to step up and create the life you want. They’re a cheering squad, agony aunt, and gentle kicks in the ass all rolled into one.
You’ll even have a chance to ask me anything. If you have a question on anything from personal development to tattoos or my favourite lipstick, just pop me an email and ask. I’ll answer one or two each week.
You’ll get:
- new content each week (that’s not published on the blog)
- exclusive freebies
- early bird access to all products and programs I offer
What are people saying about the love letters?
“I just wanted to send you a DM and let you know your site is AMAZING – I jumped on your mailing list quicker than I’ve ever done anywhere! I’ve struggled with identity/style expression issues since I was a kid and it’s only in the last year or so that I’m close to finding ‘me’, and your site makes me feel not alone!” – Penelope
“Your email truly fueled me again with the passion of running after my dreams. Thanks for that. I hope you’re having a wonderful and magic-filled day.” – Gabi
“I stumbled upon your blog this week and have feel in love with your positive outlook and attitude towards life. This email has really brightened up my bank holiday.” – Simone Patrick
Who am I?
Allow me to introduce myself!
I’m Sarah Starrs – a writer and coach who helps women boost their self-esteem, get clear on what they really want, and create a life they adore.
I used to be a total neasayer. I let fear ruled my life and constantly told myself that the things I wanted were out of reach. But when I discovered existentialism and personal development, something shifted inside of me. I took radical responsibility for my life and committed to loving myself, now and forever.
Since then I became the editor-in-chief of a magazine straight out of university, edited books, travelled across Europe, quit my job to become a freelance writer, started an independent magazine, and moved across the globe from Canada to the UK.
Now, I’m a happier person and my life is infinitely more vibrant. I still have my down days, but I don’t let them rule my life. And when I have a big dream, I figure out how to make it happen rather than wasting time worrying that it’s impossible.
I’m living proof that the life you want is possible and it all starts with learning to adore yourself.
But, as much as I love a bit of woo-woo every now and then, I don’t believe that sitting around rubbing crystals is going to get you very far. I’m here to give you practical, actionable advice so that you can start romancing yourself and designing a life you love.
It’s time to get down and dirty with your dreams. That’s why I call it “punk rock personal development.”
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